Chief of Staff

Execute Your Strategic Plan

Drive accountability for goals and outcomes, automate follow-up, and communicate your company’s vision to the whole organization.

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Integration logos
Elate is where our most important strategic priorities come to life.
Margie Eggen

Chief of Staff

Run Effective Leadership Team Planning Meetings

Align on long-term vision and map out key initiatives to get there. Elate provides a framework to ensure you run the best leadership offsite yet.

Plan builder

Get Buy-in Every Step of the Way

Once you’ve brainstormed the first version of your  plan, ensure everyone is on the same page. With Elate’s Plan Builder, socialize your plan and get approval from all key stakeholders. 

Theme with objectives tied to it

Seamlessly Roll out Your Plan and Drive Engagement

Make a successful transition from planning to execution. Communicate your strategic direction with ease to unlock adoption in a way that meets employees where they work.

Optimize Your Leadership Meetings

As a Chiefs of Staff, it’s critical to align your leadership team on priorities. Run leadership meetings directly from Elate to ensure you aren’t losing sight of priorities that truly matter. 

Objective success report

Streamline Reporting Across Teams 

Eliminate dozens of spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and dashboards creating silos at your company. Create a unified view of the objectives and KPIs powering your business with Elate’s Reporting tools. 

Sales team metrics from integration data

Want to learn more about how Elate is working with world-class Chiefs of Staff?

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