Key Performance Indicator (KPI) vs. Key Result (KR)
February 8, 2023
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) vs. Key Result (KR)

There is often confusion around the differences between Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Results (KRs). Below is an explanation of the differences, when you should use one over the other, as well as a visual you can share with your team to help create more clarity around the role of each in the strategic planning process.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator, which is a measurable metric that is reviewed on a regular basis. These metrics are ongoing, and are indicators or signals that demonstrate success and health for your team.

Some example KPIs include:

  • Annual Recurring Revenue
  • Churn Rate
  • Average Contract Value
  • Net Promoter Score

Key Result (KR)

Key Results measure the success of a given objective. These metrics are time bound, specific, and designed to contribute to the overall outcomes of the business. Key Results are reviewed regularly, end when a specific objective ends, and are revisited on a quarterly basis.

Some example Key Results (KRs) include:

  • Increase $12M Pipeline
  • Deliver 25 QBRs
  • Launch new feature
  • Drive 10,000 unique page views

Key Result vs. KPI

When To Use KPIs and Key Results

KPIs often measure the success of company-level objectives, while Key Results contribute to the larger KPIs, and are measured at a team level.

Strategic Planning as a Competitive Edge

KPIs and Key Results both have a place in a successful strategic planning framework. When in doubt, come back to the above visual to determine the difference in KPIs and Key Results when defining your own.

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