Review Your KPIs with Ease

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Simple KPI Review

If you are looking for a way to scale your growth stage company, then you have to make sure you have a way to keep track of your results. From raising capital and reporting at board meetings to measuring performances across all areas of your business, it’s critical you understand what’s going on at every layer of your business. To do so, you have to make sure you have measures that are put in place to help align your company as you continue to scale. That is where key performance indicators, usually shortened to KPIs, are helpful. A simple KPI review can go a long way toward placing your company in the best position possible to be successful moving forward.

If you are looking for free dashboard tools, you are probably looking for a way to cost-effectively track your goals. Even though there are numerous free tools and KPI toolkit options available, you first need to understand why you have set key performance indicators in the first place. Why have you chosen the KPIs you are currently tracking? How are they going to impact your business? If you are able to figure out exactly how your key performance indicators are going to play a role in the success of your business, you can effectively formulate targets for your employees, staff, and managers.

In order for you to get the most out of these tools and dashboards, you have to have the right key performance indicators in place. What do you need to do to pick the right KPIs for your company? How can you figure out what is really going to drive the success of your business? That is where it can be helpful to take a look at a few examples of good key performance indicators. With a strong model in place, you can figure out how you can set your company up to take advantage of changes in your specific industry.

KPI Examples

If you are trying to put together a simple KPI, you are probably looking at a few KPI examples, wondering how you can do the same thing for your business. If you are doing this for the first time, you might also have come across the key performance indicators Excel format. This is a straightforward way to put together several KPIs that may play a role in the growth of your company. At the same time, understand that Microsoft Excel is only going to get you so far. When you are taking a look at a few examples of key performance indicators, you have to understand how they are made.

There are numerous examples of key performance indicators that could be helpful for your business. For example, if you are trying to sell software to other businesses, there are several examples of KPIs that you might use. These include:

  • What percentage of people who receive our emails actually click on the link placed in the email?
  • What percentage of people who visit our website decide to make a purchase?
  • What percentage of the people who use our product call us with concerns?
  • What is the average number of people who visit our website?
  • What is our cost of customer acquisition?
  • Of the number of people who call us with concerns, what percentage of concerns are resolved in 24 hours?

Of course, these KPIs might change depending on the industry in which you operate; however, no matter what industry in which you work, you have to figure out the indicators that are going to drive success moving forward. If you do a good job setting your KPIs, you will place your company in a good position to track your success objectively. Of course, if you would like to get the most out of your KPIs, you need to use the right tools to help you set them, track them, and evaluate them appropriately.

KPI Dashboard

If you are looking for a good way to track your key performance indicators, you might want to use something called a KPI dashboard. The goal of this dashboard is to display all the information you need to track your key performance indicators, evaluate them, and alter them (if necessary). If you are trying to find a way to track your key performance indicators, you might be looking for a free option. Even though there are plenty of free KPI dashboard options out there, a free option is only going to get you so far. You might be able to use trial dashboard KPI examples to figure out what features you want; however, if you want to use the best KPI dashboards, you need to be willing to invest in this software.

When you first get started with your key performance indicators, you might be looking at Excel dashboard examples, thinking that this is good enough for your company. On the other hand, as your company grows, you are going to have more key performance indicators, possibly setting up individual key performance indicators for each of your departments. Therefore, you are going to have a hard time tracking your KPIs in Excel. That is why you need to rely on a software platform that can help you automate this process and report on KPIs in real-time.

If you are looking for a strong solution that can help you track company metrics, there are several factors you need to consider. First, you need to find a platform that takes the manual lift off of tracking your metrics. Second, you need to find a dashboard that will display information for your key performance indicators in a way you can understand. Finally, you should also use a platform that will provide insights and notifications when it is time to check on your KPIs or possibly surface KPIs to the leadership team for discussion. If you apply your dashboard appropriately, you will have all the information you need to maximize your key performance indicators.

What Is KPI Software

Clearly, there are a lot of people who are using a template KPI dashboard Excel; however, this is a static, manual way to track metrics that will only cause more of a headache as your company grows. While it might be a simple spreadsheet tool to initially set up, if you really want to develop, track, and evaluate your KPIs effectively, then you should be using KPI dashboard software.

You might be wondering, “what is KPI software?” This software is a program that has been specifically designed to track your key performance indicators over time. A strong software platform should help you build your KPIs, track your KPIs, evaluate your KPIs, and take action on your KPIs when needed. Similar to other types of software platforms, you have a lot of options available when looking for something to help you track your KPIs. Why should you use a software solution, and what are the best options?

There are several reasons why you should use a KPI software platform. First, you should use a software to track your key performance indicators because this will make it easier to see if you are on track. Second, you should use a software platform because you will have access to a dashboard that will unify data across all areas of your business. This makes it harder for something to fall through the cracks, and allows teams to work cross-functionally. Finally, you should use a software program because you can see how your managers and employees are doing with their key performance indicators as well.

Even though you might be looking for a free KPI software program, keep in mind that a free solution is only going to get you so far. If you really want to get the most out of your key performance indicators, then you need to find a premium KPI software program that will help you maximize your ability to track your KPIs and evaluate them across your business.

Best KPI Software

Clearly, you have a lot of options available if you are looking for KPI software. How can you find the best KPI software to help you meet your needs? If you are looking for KPI dashboard software, you need to find a program that is easy to use, intuitive for each of your teams, and will allow you to track and evaluate your KPIs with ease. Meet Elate. 

Elate is the best strategic planning software for tracking KPIs, and more importantly, tying them into your business objectives. There are several reasons why so many people use Elate if they are trying to track their key performance indicators. First, Elate is built for high-growth companies. It’s easy to get lost in KPI tools that are built for the enterprise or require a team of analysts. Elate is designed to be intuitive for all members of your team. Second, Elate is easy to implement. The pain of implementing a solution can’t outweigh the value. Finally, Elate was built to connect KPIs as outcomes to the priorities you’re focused on as a business. So often companies get lost setting tens of different KPIs, only to get lost in what really matters. With Elate, your KPIs are focused on driving the right conversations that have the most impact for your business. 

If you want your business to perform well, you have to know what metrics are going to drive success. That is why you need to figure out which key performance indicators are most relevant to the growth of your company, and how they impact your direction. If you want to make it easier to build, track, and measure your KPIs, then you need to rely on KPI software. A software platform can automate many of the processes that you used to do manually when it comes to your KPIs. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Elate, we’d love to share how we’re working with other strategy and operations leaders today! 

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